Welcome to Kingfisher Design & Publishing

Kingfisher Design & Publishing provides authors with expert services to get their books on the market. We deliver the highest quality for a very reasonable price. We are confident you will be thrilled with the our service! For more information, send us an email, use our contact form or immediately book an appointment online.

What we do

Kingfisher Design & Publishing offers the following author solutions and services:

Print and Ebook Formatting

Whether you have a book in print, ebook file, or Indesign, Word or PDF document, Kingfisher Design & Publishing can help you create high quality, fully compliant print-ready PDFs and ebook files for all major online retailers.

We have extensive experience in providing expert author solutions as well as creating ebooks in Mobi, KF8, ePub and print-ready PDF formats, so your readers may enjoy your work through print-on-demand and on virtually every ereader, tablet, smartphone or computer. We will convert your digital document to an print-ready PDF and ebook in a matter of days, which we’ll send to you for review. During the conversion process, we’ll also check for typos, inconsistencies, spelling and grammar mistakes and will correct them. We’ll stay as close as possible to the layout of the original document, and will make sure your book looks good in all formats requested (by default we will produce ebooks in the Kindle AND ePub formats).

The PDF and ebook are ready for publication only after you are completely satisfied with our work. Not including time for reviews and creating cover art, you can have your print-ready PDF and ebook available for sale on your own web shop, and submitted to all major bookstores in a few days to a week after sending us the original document. The resulting PDF, ebook and the source documents (HTML or InDesign) are your property and will be sent to you as well, either for safe keeping or to modify yourself.

Book Publishing

After your book is ready, Kingfisher Design & Publishing can place it in all major bookstores, including Amazon, the Apple Bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Google, Kobo and physical bookstores through IngramSpark and Centraal Boekhuis (only for the Netherlands and Belgium). We’ll also make sure your book gets the attention it deserves, by promoting it on our website, other relevant sites, and on social media like Twitter and Facebook. We’ll also solicit reviews from bloggers, ebook sites, papers and your readers.

As a one-stop-shop for author solutions, we can also create a dedicated website for you as an author or for a specific book with an integrated shopping cart for books and other products, like merchandise.

Cover Art Creation

Kingfisher Design has an extensive library of stock photography images (some free, some available for a nominal fee) that can be used for your book cover. We’ll add your book title and author name, in the font, color, orientation and position you desire, for free. For a small fee we can also modify existing images to suit your needs.

If you’d like to have a dedicated cover for your book, we can provide talented artists who will create professional cover art for a fee.

You can give our artists latitude to create art inspired by their own impressions from your book, or you can write a detailed description explaining exactly what you’d like to see. Either way, we’ll make sure you get what you want.

Book Translation

Kingfisher Design offers in-house translation services for translation into the Dutch language. For other languages we have an extensive network of literary translators around the world.

We understand that top quality book translation is very important to both the author and his/her readers. For this reason we only employ translators who are native speakers of the target language and have a proven track record. The result is a professional book translation, proofread and ready to be published.

Book translation is a three step process. In the first step we discuss about your translation preferences. For example, do we need to translate and localize (also translate the names and places into the target language) or translate only, how close do you want the translator to stick to the original sentence constructs, etc. The second step is the translation itself, followed by the third step, proofreading. During this last step, we look for mistakes, omissions, inconsistencies, etc. and edit the document so that it’s ready for publication.

If you’d like to know more about our translation services or would like to receive a quote for a translation, please send an email to info@kingfisher-design.com or use our contact form.

Website Design

Creating and maintaining a website is a lot of work, but it is a great asset in promoting your book(s) and keeping your readers informed about you and your work. King Fisher Design takes the hassle away by creating a professional looking website for you based on WordPress, complete with an integrated book store so your readers can buy your books directly from you. We can even host it for you on a domain of your choosing as a part of our author solutions.

We’ll be happy to discuss your needs with you. To get in touch, please send an email to info@kingfisher-design.com or use our contact form.

Editing & Proofreading

Since it’s almost impossible to see or find every mistake or inconsistency by reading your book yourself, King Fisher Design offers editing and proofreading services and overall author solutions for a very competitive price.

Getting your book edited or proofread by a professional is often the best investment you can make for your book, and your writing career. Book editors do more than make sure your I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed. They ensure your writing is fluid and poignant. And, since even editors aren’t infallable, it’s also a good idea to let a professional proofreader make sure the every I is indeed dotted and every T is crossed.


Book Formatting

Without Publishing
50 - 150
  • Includes PDF for print and ebook in the ePUB format
  • We can create reflowable and fixed format ebooks, with text, tables and images (including scientific books and comics)
  • Pricing depends on the (complexitity of the) source document delivered.

Book Formatting

With Publishing
  • Includes PDF for print and ebook in the EPUB format
  • Publishing includes promotion and advertising on all relevant platforms
  • We charge a commission of 10-15% of the sales price per book sold (depending on size and complexity of the book)

Cover Art Creation

Stock Photo or Custom Artwork
  • Stock Photography is free or the price of the photo
  • To modify stock photography we charge between €25 and €50
  • Custom Artwork is done by a professional artist. Prices for Custom Artwork are upwards from €100

Book Translation

To almost any language
  • Translations will always be done by native speakers of the desired language
  • For Dutch translations, the rate is € 0.09 per word. For other language translations this depends on the translator
  • We can also agree upon a fixed fee for the translation. Contact us for details

Website Design

Based on WordPress
  • Website created based on WordPress, using (customized) themes and optionally a shopping cart and translated into multiple languages
  • Pricing depends on the amount of customization of themes and whether or not a book store needs to be included
  • Hosting is not included. For more information about hosting click here.

Editing & Proofreading

Polish your Book to Perfection
Ask us
  • We'll send you a free edit or proofread sample (limited to 1000 words) and a quote
  • Pricing depends on the type of editing required, the quality and size of the manuscript and can be billed hourly or fixed price
  • Services include proofreading, copy editing, line editing, and developmental editing

*  All prices are excluding VAT (where applicable)



Kingfisher Design & Publishing*

Sara Burgerhartsingel 161
3813NG  Amersfoort
the Netherlands


Contact Form

* The beautiful kingfisher image on this page was created by Bas Geeraets. Check out his work on Youtube and follow him on Twitter.